Polygamy: A definition from the American Heritage Dictionary means the condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Also called plural marriage.

When getting married you are in love and are informed in order to marry you must get a marriage license. What Americans do not realize in getting a marriage license they are not just marrying their love, partner or spouse they are marrying into polygamist relationships with corrupted State, Federal and/or Defacto foreign subverted Government operations plus corporations, Bar Associations, crooks, fraudsters, mafia, predators, organized crime racketeering operatives, foreign and domestic terrorism, sociopaths, psychopaths, sadists and treasonous lowlifes. The U.S. Court system has been a subverted foreign corporate military operative harming millions upon millions Americans yearly, with the greatest harm to American families, especially in divorce. American rights and laws are violated beyond belief. NON-DISCLOSURE exists in all licensing by any and all Government operations and massive fraud exists in marriage licenses.

When I got married at a young age many years ago, I never realized that I was not just marrying my husband and that having a marriage license could cause me such great harm. The above paragraph was written by me when I entered my own Divorce Decree at San Mateo Superior Court for April 28, 2014. That date marks the ten year anniversary that I’ve been held hostage without a conclusion to my divorce and marriage because I am a Fraud on the Court crime victim originally defrauded by Attorney Eileen Avila. A Commissioner now titled Judge Richard Dubois was involved with the initial fraud scheme. My husband and I only needed assistance with a few issues. We were on amicable good terms until we met Attorney Eileen Avila, now our long-term relationship has been destroyed beyond measure. Due to my continual fight back for years, a variety of U.S. Politicians were dragged into this heinous situation.

I never would have obtained a marriage license if I understood that we also married the State or better yet the Government. No one truly understands that especially when you are young. This makes marriage licenses a plural marriage which is deceptive. Marriage licenses are polygamy relationships and a total fraud. In California, the State uses the term Community Property Laws which supposedly means you and your spouse are to split everything 50/50 when in a divorce. But Community Property Laws actually means the State is taking your property for the community literally. They screw families over left and right harming and bilking millions upon millions of families and destroy family relationships all for greed.

Judges terminate parental rights and cause parental alienation at times to harm families with children. Never take children into a U.S. Court to protect their safety and be aware to protect you own. The Adversarial Process of divorce is a criminal process treating families in an adversarial heinous manner. All methods used are for the gain of attorney’s which is a conflict of interest to divorcing families. Spouses are pitted against one another to fight in the Adversarial Process which causes unnecessary stress and duress plus holds them possibly hostage for years on end in U.S. Court charades. Marriages in turmoil will become more hostile and explosive and varied parties will be exploited with chronic victimization which increases emotional trauma. Emotional trauma causes great harm to the physical body. The Adversarial Process must be banned it violates Human Rights and any and all rights of an American family. During 2007, since the Adversarial Process was so barbaric, tyrannical and heinous I created a short film Ban The Adversarial Process of Divorce: Adopt It As A Human Rights Violation. This film was sent to all members of the fraudulent House and Senate Judiciary’s along with Governor Schwarzenegger, Attorney General Jerry Brown and other false Federal Government authorities. In 2007, I did not yet fully understand the fraud running this usurped American Republic. Families should not be treated as criminals so a den of hired sociopaths, crooks and thugs on the States payroll can steal and harm them to support other kickback schemes in these U.S. Court Holocaust gulags.

Judges and County offices have a variety of kickback schemes to also keep families in the courts system to utilize county services, therapists, etc. or the Board of Supervisors in California. Never in my life have I witnessed such blatant utter charades that are a complete waste of time for attorney, court, county and State gain. In my matter I learned in 2009 from another Avila/Dubois crime victim that Commissioner Richard Dubois was Attorney Eileen Avila’s own divorce judge in her own divorce which had been going on for years. What a conflict of Interest, no wonder I ended up in a scam which began by those two predators. I encountered so many cover-ups along the way. Meanwhile I was brutalized in that inhumane, injustice court hellhole by many plus the California State Bar of organized crime colluded. In 2012, other Dubois victims and I learned that Commissioner Richard Dubois who received a new title of Judge had been in a private law practice many years earlier with local twenty plus year political crooked stooge Congresswoman Ann Eshoo’s ex-husband. A big issue exists with Dubois getting the title of Judge by lying fraudster Governor Jerry Brown. Paying crooks is more important to Brown than JUSTICE. The plot thickened in this crooked scenario. At that juncture I already knew NO Congressperson or Senator had any jurisdiction to the local U.S. Courts. An Honest Service Fraud along with Tax and Election Fraud exists in all States. Most Americans do not realize these turn a blind eye political stooges will not help you at all when you are being harmed in a local U.S. Court.

What a racket! Local U.S. Courts are the biggest crime scene in every U.S. County. Meanwhile run amok criminals are paid by the States payroll to harm many tax paying American residents in their own community. No one arrests these criminals and seldom do they get disbarred, it’s all an inside racket. They have a license to steal and they do not care if they kill you, impoverish you, steal your children or destroy your family. In essence if they kill you then your divorce can go to an estate theft that is the name of the game. Another reason why they destroy family relationships is to destroy the chain of inheritance. Believe me many Americans are killed yearly from the polygamy and fraud in marriage licenses.

The LGBT community believes they now can be married lawfully, but the only thing they have done is married the State and Government. No American has to get a marriage license to be lawfully married. Americans need to wake up to the fact they DO NOT need to ask permission or to contract with any aspect of Government. WE THE PEOPLE runs this American country, not the other fraudulent way around. Marriages should be sacred and personal between partners or spouses along with religious or belief system values. Any contract can be drawn up between a marrying couple to even include issues related to children that make a marriage lawful and binding with terms for divorce and it can be updated over the years. Education is a key factor along with humane processes to resolve issues fairly and quickly for divorcing families.

After living through this divorce nightmare the past ten years and having recently sent my own Divorce Decree to San Mateo Superior Court to the Court Recorder and Judge Richard Dubois it has yet to be recorded, just more mail fraud. I don’t need some crooked psycho rights and law violating slime ball treasonous predator Judge entering the termination of my marriage, which is now at 28 years of marriage. My marital status only was terminated by fraud in 2007 which is now nullified and voided, but no final Divorce Decree was ever entered. My own Divorce Decree was also sent to California Attorney General Kamala Harris and my ex-husband. I am taking matters into my own hands because no one in ten years has shown me they are a lawful authority throughout the whole United States either at the State or Federal level due to this subverted foreign Defacto Government. NO JURISDICTION EXISTS FOR HUMANITY!

A failed crippled treasonous U.S. Military keeps allowing this foreign subverted terroristic corporate sham to go on year after year harming countless Americans daily which at this juncture is beyond irresponsible its deranged lunacy. Get your crooks off the payroll or do the American people need to seize and takeover the U.S. and State Departments of Labor, U.S. Military Generals? I command my stolen property be returned, along with settlements for my massive harm as under the U.S. Constitution’s 1st Amendment for my Redress of Grievances due to this broken shambles of a corrupt U.S. Government. Countless Americans held hostage need to be freed from U.S. Courts throughout this American country and they command restitution as under the 1st Amendment. FREE THE AMERICAN HOSTAGES!

So if you decide to get married think about what and whom you are marrying when you apply for a marriage license. If I am ever-blessed to meet someone wonderful to marry again believe me, I will NEVER EVER enter into a fraudulent polygamist relationship with a marriage license ever again. I AM AN AMERICAN SOVEREIGN, SURI JURIS! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.